Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holiday Feathers!

I glanced through a magazine and noticed that feathers were in for the holiday season. I can do that! Here is a one of a kind handmade sweater from my closet. It has an interesting story.

My husband and I planned a trip to Eastern Europe. He wanted to go to Vilnius Lithuania because he thought his ancestors came from this unknown place. So we made a side trip. Vilnius is a small town, and at this time still somewhat suppressed. A little known fact about Vilnius is that it has the only statue of Frank Zappa, in the world. Why? No one seems to know. The statue sits in a park and is very unassuming.
There is only one main street where you find the restaurants and a few small boutiques; three to be exact.

However for me it was a shopper’s paradise. The boutiques where home to local artist so each item was a one of a kind work of art. The earring also came from the boutiques. Look carefully. They are small beads with chips of local amber on a simple piece of string. I bought several other pieces including a fantastic pair of shoes. (More on those items at a later date.) The necklace came from my step daughter Brooke who also has great artistic taste. The boots have a story of their own. I was a great      e-Bay shopper in the early days of e-Bay. The shoes are a line done by Judith Leiber the jeweled purse artist. I guess they didn’t sell so they found their way onto e-bay. And guess what? They really are comfortable!

Sometimes it pays to venture off the beaten path with an open mind and an eye for adventure. Oh and did I say that every women in Vilnius wore the most beautiful shoes? Their clothes were plain, but the shoes were to die for! And they all walked with style and grace the way I woman should walk in a pair of great shoes. And in case you are wondering, my husband’s ancestors did not come from Lithuania, but it sure was a fun side trip!

Doctor Lynn

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